Silvia Link ( vormals Krottmaier)

Tom Bowen
Tom Bowen

Welcome to my Bowen practice!
My name is Silvia Krottmaier.
I live and work in Graz.
I am the mother of two wonderful daughters, my two lively grandsons bring a lot of joy and additional liveliness to our family.
Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary action, which was also my motivation to deal with the Bowen® technique and to accept this new challenge. During my professional activity at the University of Graz, I completed several years of training as a Dipl.-Bowen Practitioner. During this exciting time, I got to know the fascination of the Bowen® method in the truest sense of the word - fascia - the mysterious world under the skin - and its effects on the muscle tissue, the flow of energy and the nervous system in the body.
I have been working in my own Bowen practice since May 2017.
The many positive aspects of my previous Bowen work and the recognition of my own positive resources resulted in this new and fascinating path for me. The Bowen® technique gives me the opportunity to understand people and their complaints or illnesses from a holistic perspective, to promote the body's own self-healing powers of my clients and to support all body functions in their optimal process.
Access Bars Practitioner
Bowen special seminars
Further education in the field of health and nutrition
Emmett (Ross Emmett) - base module
Schüssler salts