Silvia Link ( vormals Krottmaier)
BOWTECH - a holistic way to improve your health
"Take care of your body.
He is the only place where you your whole life belongs to it"
"Do something good for your body
so that the soul
gets pleasure to live in it"
Silvia Link
Dipl.-Bowen Practitioner
​​Insight into the Bowen®-technique
The BOWEN® technique is a holistic, dynamic muscle and connective tissue technique originating from Australia, which has been successfully used for the treatment of various ailments for more than 40 years. The Bowen application consists of precisely defined, precise grips on specific areas of the body (muscles, fascia, joints and nerve strands, tendons or ligaments), which are executed in a specific order. These handles have a relaxing effect on the whole body and bring it back into balance.
In this state of relaxation, the autonomous nervous system is stimulated by the handles and sends impulses into the body via receptors (proprioceptors and nociceptors) in the muscle and fascia system, thereby activating the body's own self-healing powers and stimulating the flow of energy in the body and releasing blockages. Short breaks between the sequences of handles are there so that the body can optimally process the impulses and respond to the stimuli triggered.
The BOWEN® technique is not invasive - the pain-free grips are carried out gently on the upper layer of tissue and do not extend any further than the muscle skin of superficial muscles. Most grips are done either at the origin, at the base or on the muscle belly. The Golgi tendon organs located there (sensory organs of depth sensitivity - these are located at the transition between muscle and tendon) provide the nervous system with information about the state of tension, the length and stretch of the muscle and tendon tissue.
Bowtech® builds up a network of influences on the body, which improve the circulation as well as the lymphatic and venous drainage and help both with the absorption of nutrients and with the elimination of toxins. The mode of action of the BOWEN® technique can best be compared to homeopathy. The body receives a very low dose and reacts to it. The more severely the client is ill, the lower the potency of the first remedy should be.
Bowtech® works over 3 complex body systems
Fascia system
Lymphatic system
Nervous system (autonomous NS)
experience for yourself - in a calm and relaxed atmosphere - how Bowen affects your body. Often, just a few uses alleviate acute or chronic symptoms. The aim of the Bowen® technique is to bring the body back to its original harmonic, healthy state, which is comparable to a "reset".
​Areas of application of the Bowen®-technique
The BOWEN® technology can be used safely and without risk on every person and creates a lasting feeling of well-being.
The BOWEN® applications do not replace the treatment by the doctor, who is exclusively reserved for the creation of a diagnosis or the therapy concept.
BOWEN® therapy is a holistic method with the aim of bringing the body back into balance and loosening existing blockages. The following areas can be successfully supported by BOWEN® technology:
Entire musculoskeletal system
Acute and chronic complaints such as intervertebral disc problems (cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine)
shoulder and neck discomfort (frozen shoulder)
Pelvic, thigh and knee problems
Ankle problems - plantar inflammation/hammer toes /hallux valgus, etc.
Headache migraine
Elbow and wrist problems - carpal tunnel syndrome - tendonitis
Sports injuries
Internal organs (stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, gall bladder)
Digestive problems
Gastrointestinal discomfort - heartburn
Respiratory tract - bronchitis - colds - asthma
Bladder problems - bed wetting - incontinence
prostate problems
Menstrual problems - and other female problems
Chronic exhaustion and sleep disorders
To increase the performance level and faster regeneration in athletes
To support the healing process after operations (scar interference)
During pregnancy and - childbirth preparation
Desire to have children
For prevention and much more ....
Babies - Children - Teenager
strengthen the immune system
Get optimal development
Sleep effects
Braces accompaniment
​We always recommend people first discuss their health concerns with their General Practitioner.​​​
The WHO counts the BOWEN® technology among the most successful
alternative healing methods worldwide
BOWTECH - Silvia Link
Maderspergergasse 29
8020 Graz-Eggenberg
Tel: +43/664 5035950
e-mail: silvia-link @
Appointments by phone or e-mail for the practice in Eggenberg.
Styrian Bowen-Practitioner in your area:
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