Silvia Link ( vormals Krottmaier)

Tom Bowen

Treatment process
Initial meeting
At the beginning of any Bowtech® treatment it is important
to take a detailed anamnesis in addition to the medical diagnosis. For the first appointment, I therefore like to take more time for a detailed preliminary talk. Trust and well-being are important to me and make an essential contribution to a positive treatment result.
What complaints do you lead to me? what is your goal?
Bowtech® has a holistic effect on body, mind and soul - it is not a purely physical, but also not a purely spiritual application. I document all of your information that you would like to entrust to me so that I can get an overall picture of your current physical condition. Based on your complaints, I will create an individual treatment scheme for you. You will also receive comprehensive information about the Bowtech® treatment method , any initial reactions after the treatment and further detailed information for the client. A treatment takes about 45-50 minutes.
During the treatment it is important that you can lie comfortably, relax and simply feel good, enjoy the silence and switch off. During my work, I identify possible imbalances and / or tension, which give me an idea of how to proceed.
Since the body processes the Bowtech® applications for a few more days, an interval of 5 to 12 days between the individual treatments has proven to be the most effective.
No use of different methods
There are many good and successful treatments available today. Once you have decided on one method, however, you should avoid other forms of treatment. This is especially true with Bowtech® . Because especially with the Bowen® method , the self-healing integration work in the body can be interrupted by massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture etc.
Caution also applies to saunas, hot baths or cold showers, which have a direct effect on muscle tension. Therefore refrain from cold or warm packs or rubs in the days after the treatment. They affect the success of self-healing.
The BOWEN® technology does not replace a visit to the doctor, which is exclusively reserved for establishing the diagnosis and the therapy concept.